Facial Rejuvenation
The face is the only place in the body where muscle attaches to skin, this allows us to have facial expression. Tight muscles inhibit blood flow and the free flow of qi. This restriction can cause fine lines and wrinkles and deprive our skin of nutrients. Acupuncture needles in the face have the dual benefit of boosting collagen and elastin, reducing wrinkles, and also relaxing the mind and body due to a neurological feed back loop.
When our skin is healthy it is smooth, radiant, and firm. Microneedling , or collagen induction therapy, is a skin treatment that dramatically boosts collagen and elastin production and skin cell turnover. Normally, most of the products we use are not able to penetrate the skin and merely sit on the surface. By creating many micro channels, microneedling allows up to 2000% of the products we use to be absorbed allowing us to receive all the benefits and have moisturized, glowing skin. Products used during microneedling, such as collagen and vegan stem cells can penetrate in the the dermis and provide dramatic results. Microneedling treats scars, hyperpigmentation, age spots , wrinkles, rosacea, acne/ blackheads, shrinks large pores, and treats hair loss (brows too!).