Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture works with the body’s own inner wisdom and healing power to regain balance and free flowing energy. When there is blockage in our body it can manifest as pain and discomfort. Acupuncture brings us back to equilibrium when myriad symptoms arise as a result of existing in the world.

Reach your Fullest Expression of Health

  • Acupuncture is highly effective at treating physical pain. Not only does the insertion of needles release our natural pain killing pharmacy of endorphins and enkephalins, it also has the ability to stabilize joints, releases tight muscles, aid in the alignment of our skeletal structure and improve blood flow.

  • Acupuncture puts our nervous system into parasympathetic, or rest and digest. We rarely get to this state in our busy lives, which wreaks havoc on our system. By putting us into parasympathetic mode, and working with our inner pharmacy we can regulate our hormones. This means acupuncture can treat stress, sleep, digestion, reproductive health and PMS.

Renée received her Doctor of Chinese Medicine from the Pacific College of Health and Science in San Diego, CA.  During her four years of study Renée gained experience and a well rounded education. She is comfortable treating physical pain and injury, women's health, stress and emotional problems, insomnia, digestive issues, and migraines. Renée loves looking to the classic literature of this ancient medicine as well as the most current research to find the best possible treatment strategy for her patients.

Originally from Massachusetts, Renée’s first career out of college was in Art Conservation and Restoration. Her undergraduate studies were in Art History and Chemistry. Renée finds the confluence of art and science to be a powerful intersection. She has always had an interest in the artistry and intelligence of the inner machinations of the human body, and finds beauty and intrigue in the powerful connection of the human spirit with nature.

Renée believes strongly in the human body’s organizational intelligence and its regenerative resilience. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are an amazing tool to guide each individual through this healing and living process.